Paper Submission

Authors must ensure that their works are produced in a way that conceals their identities. Please ensure the following while submitting to assist with this preparation:

The Following are the main factors to keep in mind to help with this process:

  • Make sure there are no affiliation-related identifiers in the figures.
  • Make sure there are no affiliation-related identifiers in the figures.
  • Remove references to funding sources.
  • Do not include acknowledgments.
  • Remove any identifying information.

IEEE Paper Format | Template & Guidelines

IEEE provides guidelines for formatting the paper. These guidelines must be followed by the author before submitting a manuscript for publication. Some of the key guidelines are as follows:

  • Formatting the text as two columns, in Times New Roman, 10 pt.
  • Including a byline, an abstract, and a set of keywords at the start of the research paper.
  • Placing any figures, tables, and equations at the top or bottom of a column, not in the middle.
  • Following the appropriate heading styles for any headings you use.
  • Including a full list of IEEE references at the end.
  • Not including page numbers.

IEEE Heading Styles

IEEE recommends specific heading styles to distinguish the title and different levels of heading in your paper from each other. Styles for each of these are built into the template.

The paper title is written in 24 pt. Times New Roman, centered at the top of the first page. Other headings are all written in 10 pt. Times New Roman:

  • Level 1 text headings begin with a roman numeral followed by a period. They are written in small caps, in title case, and centered.
  • Level 2 text headings begin with a capital letter followed by a period. They are italicized, left-aligned, and written in title case.
  • Level 3 text headings begin with a number followed by a closing parenthesis. They are italicized, written in sentence case, and indented like a regular paragraph. The text of the section follows the heading immediately, after a colon.
  • Level 4 text headings begin with a lowercase letter followed by a closing parenthesis. They are italicized, written in sentence case, and indented slightly further than a normal paragraph. The text of the section follows the heading immediately, after a colon.
  • Component headings are used for the different components of your paper outside of the main text, such as the acknowledgments and references. They are written in small caps, in title case, centered, and without any numbering.

Paper Submission Template

A Sample template is attached here with:

Paper Submission Link

Review and Publication of Manuscripts:

All submitted manuscripts to ICAICCIT – 2023 shall be go through a Double-blind reviewed by the ICAICCIT – 2023 TPC members on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation. An accepted paper must be presented at the conference venue by the author who registered/paid full author registration fee (or refer to the registration transfer information in the Author Reg. Form). The authors acknowledge that accepted papers must be presented in person at the conference by the registered/paid authors of the accepted paper.

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